The first domestic double-module rolling mill unit successfully tested in Haicheng
Release time:
27 Mar,2017
On March 26, 2017, the first domestic double-module high-rod finishing mill unit ordered by Anshan Xinghua Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. Haicheng No.1 Branch passed the steel smoothly.
The main mill equipment of this set of equipment is Morgan type double module mill, which is a high-speed heavy-duty non-torsion mill. The high bar unit consists of 6 230 rolling mills, the rolling mills are arranged at a top angle of 45, and every two rolling mills are centrally driven. There are 3 groups of double-module rolling mills with a design speed of 35 m/s and a maximum guaranteed rolling speed of 30 m/s (referring to the exit speed of the last finishing mill when rolling Φ12mm specifications).
The smooth passing of steel on the 26th marked the smooth acceptance and delivery of the project of Haicheng No. 1 Branch of Anshan Xinghua Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd., and also marked the official putting into use of the first domestic double-module rolling mill in a domestic steel plant, which improved the rolling performance of domestic metallurgical equipment. The hard work has been affirmed. Guangwang people will continue to uphold the spirit of art, virtue and prosperity, and provide more and better equipment for the majority of steel manufacturing enterprises.
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